Catholic Stickers & More Sacred Heart Prints

Inspiration Behind Love the Creator Sticker


I made the Love the Creator Sticker in hopes of turning the focus of loving nature back to God. As Catholics, we do not worship nature, we worship God who created it. I grew up in Southern California, discovering the beauty of God’s creation in national and state parks. Nature reflects the perfect beauty of God and thus draws the heart to Him.

Inspiration Behind St. Cecilia Sticker Pack


The St. Cecilia Sticker Pack is very close to my heart because of St. Cecilia’s special place in my family. My sister is a Dominican Sister of St. Cecilia in Nashville, Tennessee. St. Cecilia is the patron saint of musicians and often depicted with red roses and white lilies. The white lilies represent her purity as a virgin martyr and the red roses represent the love of Christ.

Inspiration Behind Holy Family Heart Sticker Pack


The Hearts of the Holy Family show Jesus, Mary, and Joseph's beautiful and sacrificial love which inflames the soul with love for God and man. The Sacred Heart of Jesus, after which I named my shop, is special to me because it reminds me that God’s love for me is personal and passionate. Jesus holds me in the wounds of his heart, suffering with me and healing me through His cross. The Immaculate Heart of Mary shows her sorrow through the sword piercing her heart. The roses on her heart represent her ability to make all things beautiful for Jesus. The Chaste Heart of St. Joseph includes the latin words, "Ite Ad Ioseph," which means, "Go to Joseph."